The Satnamis

Concept Explanation

The Satnamis

The Satnamis:  The Satnamis  were a militant sect of Hindu Worshippers. Founded by a saint named “Birbhan” in 1657 in Narnaul in Haryana. The major religious activity of this sect is to chant and meditate the true names (Sat-Nam) of God, specially Rama and Krishna.

The Satnamis, a Hindu sect from the same region as the Jats, rebelled against the oppressive policies of the Mughals. The Satnamis were mostly goldsmiths, tanners and sweepers, who aimed at overthrowing Aurangzeb and establishing a just rule. In 1704 CE, the Satnamis revolved for the last time under their leader, Chauraman. But they were defeated by the Mughals, with a heavy loss of lives on their side. since they shaved their heads they were also called the ‘mundiyas’ (bald headed).

The End Of The Mughal Period:  By 1750 CE, the rule of the Mughal over India had as good as ended. As we just saw, various new powers and kingdoms had established themselves in various parts of the country. Through Mughal emperors would continue to sit on the Throne of Delhi Till 1857 CE, it was be only in name .The British had started gaining power steadily and by 1800CE, would establish themselves as the new rulers of India. with the decline of Mughal powers in India, the medieval period of Indian history comes to an end.



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